19 July 2021 : Relaxation of Covid Restrictions from July 19
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- Create Date 25th July 2021
- Last Updated 25th July 2021
19 July 2021 : Relaxation of Covid Restrictions from July 19
Relaxation of Covid Restrictions from July 19th 2021
As the final part of the gradual opening up of the UK national lockdown, many restrictions affecting amateur cricket were relaxed on 19th July 2021. For full details see the documents recently circulated to all clubs.
The Surrey Downs League exec committee endorses the suggestions in the “Cricket in England at Step 4” and “Recreational Cricket COVID Guidance in England Step 4 – July” documents which advise maintaining social distancing and hygiene measures, even though these are no longer mandatory. Given the currently surging case (and self-isolation) numbers in England, including Surrey, the exec committee feel it is wise to urge clubs to continue to be prudent for the rest of the season. After all, if many players are ill or self-isolating then we will have less cricket.
This has also clearly been the tone of further communications to leagues from the ECB via Surrey cricket.