Ready to Play : from 1pm Saturday 18 July 2020
The Surrey Downs League & SurreyDowns.Org are ecstatic over the UK Government’s decision to allow Recreational Cricket in England.
The move to Step 4 of 5 from the ECB’s Return to Cricket Road map, has in part allowed this. Ultimately the Science and The UK Government, has allowed Recreational Cricket to play.

SurreyDowns.Org appreciate that not all our Great Member Cricket Clubs could be ready for 11 July 2020. But we (Paul) are impressed that most can play from the 18 July 2020.
Making a whole new meaning to the hashtag #GetTheGameOn
SurreyDowns.Org and The Surrey Downs League are saddened by Burgh Heath Cricket Club’s Decision not to play in this 2020 season – but we of course totally understand and respect their decision. We look forward to their return in 2021 season.
All the Surrey Downs League Fixtures published on remain, apart from Division 4 which have been revised to allow more cricket to be played by those clubs in Division 4.
Hope to publish / go live with the Division 4 revised fixtures in the next 24 hours, although all effected clubs have already been informed with a excel file to your respective League Reps from our Honorary Secretary – Alan.
We have unpublished all fixtures from season start 2 May through to 11 July so they should not appear on your respective club play-cricket sites. As of 10 July we were waiting for two clubs to confirm these revised division 4 fixtures. as of now 12 July done!?
Once confirmed will be updated. Today 12 July hopefully.
Our recent Surrey Downs League Survey made it very clear that all fixtures should we return to playing cricket should all be friendlies.
So friendlies they are.
Please still add in the usual way on your respective play-cricket sites, and please please do promptly. Can you also do the whole scorebook – as we need the stats for the end of season awards and it could be you collecting them?

Surrey Downs League Matches in 2020 Guidance
We have produced advice and guidance* for Surrey Downs League Matches in 2020 which we know you will find useful. This guidance should be read in conjunction with the communications from the ECB
When playing Cricket please respect every one, on and off the field of play – We should all do this any way!
#Respect #StayAlert
this page was last reviewed and updated 17 July 2020
Reminder : Twitter Hashtag for The Surrey Downs League is #TheSurreyDownsLeague